Megan Fox is reportedly a person who drew a huge movie crowd in 2009. According to polls released for a year end review of 2009 (December 31) by AOL moviefone, one aspect of the actress' persona that the queried audience says exists is that Megan Fox is sexy.
The year-end poll, found on AOL’s Moviefone.com website, was an unscientific tally of the best and worst of 2009. Rated by fans of Hollywood movies and Hollywood stars. the poll's most interesting aspect indicates that many movie fanatics who went to the theater in 2009 were disappointed.
Perhaps most interesting about the Moviefone poll with regard to Megan Fox. Although findings make this temptress the sexiest female actress, this information comes at the same time as Fox was polled as the actress garnering the worst 2009 performance. Even if you include a margin of error, this outcome could be likened to the outcome politicos like to reason exists during important elections.
Many say Megan Fox can’t act -- but that's not a new concept. Transformers 2 audience members saw the celebrity as sexy, but they also saw that the acting chops come from her co-actors on that film. Many felt Fox's performance was choppy and unbelievable. Add that with rumors about how badly this big screen personality has been said to treat crew members and you have Megan Fox, the performer with a very big image problem.
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